Qbik Wild Quadra P 4C

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What is Qbik wild?

QBIK WILD is the definitive system where the configuration of natural materials converges with the existing modular and adaptive capacity.

These anthills allow the best conditions to be obtained from the founding of the colony (with only the queen) until obtaining a developed anthill with thousands of workers.

This range is equipped with finishes with materials in line with the natural environments in which ants live in the wild.

The progressive scaling of the QBIK avoids moving and allows you to expand the space of your ants according to their needs without stress and with an easy coupling system.


QBIK is a modular ant nest system that allows you to select the size from the beginning and expand as much as you want.

Qbik's WILD range provides high versatility, especially in species with continuous high humidity needs, such as exotic Ponerine ants and other species with tropical requirements. This range easily reaches humidity values ​​around 100% saturation if necessary, since we can completely control the amount of humidity we want inside our modules.

There are no limits to the QBIK since its modularity capacity makes it possible to expand the anthill in the direction you want and up to the limits that your colony wants.

It also has emergency systems to avoid problems such as flooding or leaks.

Of course we send all our QBIK fully assembled so that when they arrive you can enjoy them without complications.

Exclusive modular system

QBIK is a modular system designed so that you can expand your nest in the easiest way, being able to choose the layout of the modules completely and allowing you to change the distribution whenever you wish.

The diversity of sizes and foraging rooms allows the system to be scaled in a very intuitive way, facilitating the growth of your colony.

The connections work through a system of wheels that act as revolving doors, allowing you to open and close as you wish, whether to connect modules together, block entrances to change the layout or open more exits to the foraging room.

The wheel provides full visibility when opening and closing gates, avoiding harm to our ants.

The robust and resistant design of the QBIK allows you safe mobility. Furthermore, its square shape allows you to make better use of the spaces where you place your QBIK.

It has a completely flat base and no legs to avoid instability of the whole or causing vibrations that disturb our ants.


6,78x6,78x5 cm

Plaster is a very versatile material with a great capacity for integration with other materials, thermal insulation and a natural humidity regulator, being able to absorb and release water vapor as necessary.

This anthill is designed for small, continuously growing colonies. It only has a central humidity point that supplies humidity to the entire room.

6,78x12,78x5 cm

This anthill is designed for medium-sized colonies, ideal for the first stages of colonies in their first year.

Plaster is a very versatile material with a great capacity for integration with other materials, thermal insulation and a natural humidity regulator, being able to absorb and release water vapor as necessary.

12,78x12,78x5 cm

Perfect for mature colonies of more than one year old. It consists of two humidity points which feed the entire gallery module. It is the perfect size for already relatively large colonies.

Plaster is a very versatile material with a great capacity for integration with other materials, thermal insulation and a natural humidity regulator, being able to absorb and release water vapor as necessary.

12,78x12,78x5 cm

Ytong is a very popular material. Its main characteristics are its lightness, thermal insulation capacity and its ventilation capacity given its porosity.

This module is the perfect size for already relatively large colonies. Connecting more than one means that we can have huge colonies in these anthills.


6,78x6,78x10 cm

6,78x12,78x10 cm

12,78x12,78x12,70 cm

12,78x18,78x16,70 cm

18,78x18,78x16,70 cm

24,78x24,78x16,70 cm

30,78x30,78x16,70 cm


At Anthouse we know the importance of humidity in your neighborhood, which is why the QBIK system is designed thinking about the number of humidity zones as well as their arrangement, in order to achieve the maximum humidity gradient in all your galleries in case that your ants require it.

We have created a refillable vertical tube that fits perfectly with the moisture gap where we find two PVA sponges (one wide at the bottom and one thinner at the top) millimetrically measured to create surface tension, allowing the sponges to be moistened but the water not to collect. overflow This surface tension is produced because the saturation of the water in the sponges limits its output, so you must make sure that the tube is straight and very well fitted.

These sponges are in contact with 4 grids which in turn are in contact with the galleries. Allowing the ants to drink from them and making this humidity system also the function of a drinking fountain.

Our humidity system allows the water outlets to be blocked with the anthill assembled if the need for humidity is less. For this you have a special piece that acts as a cover between the PVA sponges and the anthill. This allows humidity to be controlled.

As an emergency system, the humidity zone of your anthill has a lid under the sponges that allows water to filter in case the surface tension of the water is lost. This can occur due to poor placement of the tube or because you squeeze the dry sponge, which can happen the first few times you handle your QBIK.

Remember that it is important that you always keep the tubes straight, if our QBIKS are on an inclined surface the surface tension will be lost causing leaks in the emergency system.

It is essential that our tubes are filled with water only, any other liquid or nectar will seriously damage the humidity system.

Make sure to fill the tubes without removing the red piece as they are coupled with specific machinery for the system to work correctly.

How does WILD work?

Like the normal Qbik modules, it works with the refillable vertical tube that assembles with the hole to adapt it where there are two PVA sponges that create a surface tension allowing it to provide moisture to the Qbik Wild little by little.

The PLASTER and YTONG materials will gradually absorb the humidity from the tubes; if you do not stop filling them as they go down, they will rise to practically the absorption limit of the material, around a humidity of 90-100%.

The anthill will arrive at your house dry, so it will take approximately a week to absorb moisture. Which will gradually rise over the days as long as you refill the tubes as they become empty.

If you want to speed up the process, before using it on your ants, it is recommended to supply water with a syringe or pipette through a side access.

Qbik Wild Quadra: 15ml to 20ml

Qbik Wild Duo: 10ml to 12.5ml

Qbik Wild One: 2.5ml to 5ml

If the ants' moisture requirement is low, skip this step.

The use of a hygrometer module is recommended to have more precise control of the humidity parameters.


At Anthouse we know the importance of humidity in your neighborhood, which is why the QBIK system is designed thinking about the number of humidity zones as well as their arrangement, in order to achieve the maximum humidity gradient in all your galleries in case that your ants require it.

We have created a refillable vertical tube that fits perfectly with the moisture gap where we find two PVA sponges (one wide at the bottom and one thinner at the top) millimetrically measured to create surface tension, allowing the sponges to be moistened but the water not to collect. overflow This surface tension is produced because the saturation of the water in the sponges limits its output, so you must make sure that the tube is straight and very well fitted.

These sponges are in contact with 4 grids which in turn are in contact with the galleries. Allowing the ants to drink from them and making this humidity system also the function of a drinking fountain.

Our humidity system allows the water outlets to be blocked with the anthill assembled if the need for humidity is less. For this you have a special piece that acts as a cover between the PVA sponges and the anthill. This allows humidity to be controlled.

As an emergency system, the humidity zone of your anthill has a lid under the sponges that allows water to filter in case the surface tension of the water is lost. This can occur due to poor placement of the tube or because you squeeze the dry sponge, which can happen the first few times you handle your QBIK.

Remember that it is important that you always keep the tubes straight, if our QBIKS are on an inclined surface the surface tension will be lost causing leaks in the emergency system.

It is essential that our tubes are filled with water only, any other liquid or nectar will seriously damage the humidity system.

Make sure to fill the tubes without removing the red piece as they are coupled with specific machinery for the system to work correctly.

How does WILD work?

Like the normal Qbik modules, it works with the refillable vertical tube that assembles with the hole to adapt it where there are two PVA sponges that create a surface tension allowing it to provide moisture to the Qbik Wild little by little.

The PLASTER and YTONG materials will gradually absorb the humidity from the tubes; if you do not stop filling them as they go down, they will rise to practically the absorption limit of the material, around a humidity of 90-100%.

The anthill will arrive at your house dry, so it will take approximately a week to absorb moisture. Which will gradually rise over the days as long as you refill the tubes as they become empty.

If you want to speed up the process, before using it on your ants, it is recommended to supply water with a syringe or pipette through a side access.

Qbik Wild Quadra: 15ml to 20ml

Qbik Wild Duo: 10ml to 12.5ml

Qbik Wild One: 2.5ml to 5ml

If the ants' moisture requirement is low, skip this step.

The use of a hygrometer module is recommended to have more precise control of the humidity parameters.


Millimeterly designed to prevent any type of escape, even from the smallest ants.

Make sure to always lock the wheels with the T pieces, as sometimes a small movement when moving it can partially move them.

It has a special ring-shaped piece, designed to be placed between the modules when connecting them and prevent leaks 100%.

If you want to completely secure the modules, do not hesitate to use the screws. With them you will fix the modules, being able to move your anthill without fear of them separating.


For us it is a priority that the ants can be seen perfectly, avoiding blind spots where the ants can hide.

The galleries of the QBIK system are completely open so you can see your colony even with the red cover.

These red caps are included with the purchase of your QBIK complete module. We also make sure that you have the anthill assembled and ready to use when it arrives.


It is extremely important not to put ants that are capable of gnawing on materials in the Qbik Wild Ytong models, such as the genus Messor, Crematogaster or Tetraponera, as they can damage the material.

If you use a heated cable or thermal blanket in cold periods, always do so in lateral areas to avoid condensation and reduce the risk of ants dying due to excess heat. Under no circumstances should heat sources be placed directly on the Qbik modules.

Exotic Ponerine species need springtails to avoid mites, which can roam around the modules from the foraging room without damaging it.


  • Red lid: This lid makes the ants calm and you can observe them, the ants do not see the red spectrum correctly
  • Norias: These are the revolving doors that allow you to open or close the nest as you choose.
  • T pieces: These pieces block the wheels and close the anthill tightly in the corners, they are totally vital for the Qbik ecosystem.
  • Long T pieces: These pieces are connected only in the foraging rooms, they adjust the base and allow them to connect all the layers.
  • Housing: This black piece, the outer part of the Qbik, is the piece that allows the modules to be assembled.
  • Humidity tube: The tube consists of the coupling and the tube itself, it is the water-refillable piece designed to fit perfectly with the humidity gap of the Qbik, causing the surface tension to make the system work correctly.
  • Grids: There are 4 grids per humidity system, they serve to allow humidity to reach the ants.
  • Millimeter anti-leak piece: placed between the casings, it prevents ants such as Solenopsis, Plagiolepis or Monomorium from escaping through a slot.
  • Moisture blocking piece: Used to plug the grates with the anthill mounted, make sure the tab is up towards the PVA sponge.
  • Emergency drainage piece: This red piece goes under the humidity room, it serves to prevent flooding in the galleries. Therefore, if there is a problem with humidity, water will come out from below. Be careful at first and do not put the Qbik on surfaces that will be damaged by water when you first get it and understand how the humidity system works.
  • Foraging room and foundation lids: These are lids with grip so you can open and close the foraging room.
  • Fixing screws: Black screws with nuts that are adjusted with an Allen key to fix the modules. *Included only if necessary
  • Allen key: matches perfectly with the fixing screws. *Included only if necessary


Can I put any species of ant in a Qbik Wild?

In Qbik Wild you can have any type of species, but you must take these characteristics into account:
- At Ytong we do not recommend species such as Crematogaster, Tetraponera and Messor. Since they are very destructive species with materials if they do not have enough space.
- Giant species such as Dinomyrmex, Paraponera or large Myrmecia are not recommended as they do not fit comfortably through the Qbik connections. A terrarium is recommended.

Can I put my queen directly into a QBIK?

Yes, the Qbik Wild One is specially designed for queens. Its small space will make you feel extremely comfortable in it.

Are there other colors?

The colors of the Qbik are its hallmark, at the moment we only manufacture that combination.

My ants don't want to go into the galleries, what should I do?

Sometimes, if the humidity in the gallery area is too high, the ants will prefer to stay in the foraging room. This happens a lot with Camponotus in the early stages. Leave the galleries with very little or no humidity and they will end up passing through without a problem.

The water tube empties quickly, even water runs out from underneath. What's going on?

If the water comes out from below it is because the Qbik's emergency system is specially designed for it, because if it did not come out from below it would flood the galleries and kill the ants.

Probably the tube is not positioned correctly or the PVA sponges have moved preventing surface tension, align them and the problem will be solved.

The wheels are a little hard, is this normal?

Yes, sometimes some wheels are a little hard at first, the Qbik is made millimeters so a small piece of filament can make it hard at first. Roll it continuously and it will end up softening quickly.

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